Travel Guest Post: Things to See in London- Comedy


I don’t live in London, although I do have a brother that does. As a result I spend a short amount of time every year visiting him and checking out the myriad forms of entertainment on offer in the capital. My favourite of which is stand-up comedy.

I’ve been a big stand-up comedy fan for several years now (and even started performing myself last year) and London has always had more great stand-up to offer than anywhere else I have been. This is unsurprising really, as it is the capital of England and everything happens in London. Personally I would never live there (I’m a northerner through and through), but I love every moment I spend staying with my brother. It’s obvious why people from all over the world enjoy visiting London.

Anyway, if you’re planning on visiting London soon, and you’re a fan of comedy, there are several London comedy clubs which you should be aware of, as they offer (what I consider to be) the best comedy available.

99 Club 

The 99 Club was built ground-up by an Oxford graduate, and is now one of the largest comedy clubs in the country. The 99 Club is also the London’s critics’ choice. Big names (such as Jack Dee) have graced the intimate stage. They also have a show every night of the week, which is fabulous.

Bearcat Comedy

Bearcat comedy in location in a strange place: the leafy suburbs of St. Margerets. Regardless of this, it is one of the greatest clubs in the city. Comedians such as Rich Hall love playing here. If you turn up once you also receive a lifetime membership, which is great for any return visits you might find yourself taking.

Amused Moose

Amused Moose attracts some of the biggest comedy names in the world (Eddie Izzard, Bill Bailey, and Noel fielding…) and should not be missed when looking to see comedy in London. Amused Moose is largely responsible for finding all of the big names in British Comedy.

Now you know a few of the best places, get out there and make yourself laugh, and have the funniest trip to London you’ve ever had!